The difference between “the” Ancestors or “my” Ancestors asking me…

Knowing the difference between “the” Ancestors are asking me to do something and “my” Ancestors are asking me to do something…

You might feel an energetic push towards a new purpose or vision. This can be caused due to a number of things. Acknowledge this, depending on where you are in your journey you might be hearing/feeling a general energetic shift in the world that is calling people to step forward and lead in a way.

The beginning of my journey felt like “the” Ancestors started asking me deeper questions. The questions I was asking was “Why can’t we take pride in our African heritage.” Why are we leaving our home countries and not returning home to plant roots?

I began to walk the path of listening to get me to be attune to something I couldn’t explain or articulate. I battled with myself to listen until I was ready to go further into myself. (Insert image of CBCARTS piece).

I started feeling the presence of my Ancestors. My grandmother, grandfather, great grandfather, grand people up to 7 generations back. People I never met but knew Ancestrally. I was given tasks unknowingly to prepare myself to learn how to listen to what they were saying. I manifested teachers that prophesied my path and it made me even more scared to walk the path.

What would happen if I failed? What would happen if I didn’t meet everyone’s expectations? What if I am not who they think I am… Hard questions to navigate as I resisted this relationship for a very long time.

When something is meant for you it will not pass you. My spirit knew the journey I was on and was willing to wait, nudge, budge and push me to fulfill the life I ordained for myself. So as you move through this path for yourself be patient but be honest. Deeply honest with yourself and your fears. Recognize your liberation is on the other side of those fears.

Only then can you learn to stand in the light you are meant to gift the world that surrounds you.


Currently in Dance Podcast hosted by Esie Mensah


The Making of Modern Dance with Neil Baldwin